Apartament 2+1 për Qera Kodi: 1123
Përshkrimi i Pronës
It is given for rent an apartment with two bedrooms+1 living room+1 separate kitchen+ 1 bathroom+1balcony, fully furnished, all in wood floor, with heating and cooling system, 103 m2 , 5th floor.
The apartment it is located close to the "Bllok" area and the national park, in "Marko Bocari" street.
Monthly price 650 Euro. There is also an open parking space behind the building.
Detajet e Pronës
- Çmimi: 650 /muaj
- Tipi: Apartament
- Qëllimi: Banesë
- Adresa: Rr. "Marko Bocari"
- Qyteti: Tirane
- Rrethi: Tirane
- Orientimi: Veri-Perendim
- Specifikimi: 2+1
- Faza: E re
- Prona m2: 103
- Kate total: 10
- Kati banimit: 5
- Ashensor: 2
- Dhoma ndenje: 1
- Dhoma gjumi: 2
- Koridor: 1
- Tualete: 1
- Ballkon: 1
Opsionet e Pronës
- Hipotekë
- E Mobiluar
- Sistem Ngrohje
- Kondicioner
- Telefon
- TV
- Lavatriçe
- Furrë
- Frigorifer
- Lavastovilje