Apartament 2+1+2b për Shitje Kodi: 870
Përshkrimi i Pronës
Two bedroom apartment for sale with certficate of ownership located at Ymer Kurti Street behind the Post Office No.8 in the fourth floor
The apartment 123Sqm and has 2 bedrooms+2bathrooms+1Kitchen+storage room+1 balcony .
The apartment is fully renovated, fully furnished, has wooden flooring, and two types of heating system (Air-Co and Central Heating)
The price: 150000Euro/Total, negotiable
Detajet e Pronës
- Çmimi: 150000 Total
- Tipi: Apartament
- Qëllimi: Banesë
- Adresa: Rruga Ymer Kurti
- Qyteti: Tirane
- Rrethi: Tirane
- Orientimi: Perendim
- Specifikimi: 2+1+2b
- Faza: E re
- Prona m2: 123
- Kate total: 12
- Kati banimit: 4
- Ashensor: 2
- Dhoma ndenje: 1
- Dhoma gjumi: 2
- Koridor: 1
- Depo: 1
- Tualete: 2
- Ballkon: 1
Opsionet e Pronës
- Hipotekë
- E Mobiluar
- Sistem Ngrohje
- Kondicioner
- Lavatriçe
- Furrë